Friday, August 30, 2013

the big question

leaving town

bed sit

recycled, took less than an hour for someone to claim the
sewing machine and fan

boarding pass
seat allocated

will still look nice tomorrow

tissue box

but the really big question
will the toilet roll run out before I do

over and out

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

on the buses

one of the best conversations on the buses

about to pass a tube station

and an older bloke breaks into a story of how
as squaddies during WWII they were billeted in the
underground station
it has multiple rooms
dinner room
and a bar

originally for one night
however the transport failed to turn up

so as compensation these battle experienced blokes
were told as compensation they were to be taken to a movie

so they've seen battle
disappointed that transport has failed to take them home for leave

and are taken to a movie

walt disneys full length cartoon feature  FANTASIA

Monday, August 26, 2013


a journey on the No 14 provides a partial answer to a question

where have all the Australians gone...

it is reported they are no longer haunting earls' court area

my theory is someone must have increased the rents
and forced them out

so a trip on the bus, and a tour of the shopping strip
and the answer is


a perception change

a visit to Little Venice in St Johns Wood area

is a canal observation experience

and people live in narrow boats, formerly used for canal transport
on the river system

st johns wood is a nice suburb

the canal boats are inhabited

the wide berth narrow boats
... always on the lookout for word twists
serves as a café

so my bedsit is now classed
as a superior sized land locked high ceiling waterless wide berth narrow boat

Sunday, August 25, 2013

as seen on side of van


plumbing&heating services

jeanette's mt st victoire

so there we are back in Wales

Cezanne painted something like 35 versions of Mt St Victoire
from his location near Aix-en-Provence

after France and fabulous lunches
time for 2 weeks painting at Henllan Mill in Wales

this is version number ?  of the landscape near the mill

hence Jeanette's personal mt st victoire

apart from lunches there was the ART

homage a Cezanne

well there you are
finally got there
pilgrimage to Cezannes studio
Aix-en Provence
did it
thanks to myfriends who organised
a  fabulous trip

another place for lunch

another place for lunch
under the shade of a giant tree

full moon effect

so there I was
in the centre of London
living across the road from a gated garden
and on a full moon
thought I heard a fox barking

 full moon effect?

two nights later
out of the gated garden

Saturday, August 24, 2013

all in the perception

as a two week tourist allshops MUST BE EXPLORED
and all galleries MUST BE VISITED
all those items need to be bought NOW

upon arrival for the big trip

no need to buy anything in a hurry
got plenty of time

then two weeks out from departure
no need to buy those things
won't get the use out of them

Friday, August 16, 2013

just another luncheon

a long lunch as a life

no talking, this is serious

decoratively arranged
and now for the next  ....

an ernest study

midday sun

see those in the shade
good move

feel that mediterranean sunshine

rouisillon  another view

shopping in the self serve

you know the line
the one that invites you to scan your goods
and pay

the one with the  green and red light
on a white stick
which pokes up above the scanner

green for go
red for attendant needed

put the groceries through
the wine

red light ON
attendant turns up
selects icon on screen

up flashes
selections on alcohol purchase

1  clearly under 25 years age
and he pushes

after the big game

quite a number of very
dusty worn out people wearing
dark blue polo t shirts with white shoulder
less bounce in the sporran
and less kick in the rail of the kilt

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

bit lively tonight

heaps of blokes
getting around town

blue polo style t shirts  and white stripes on shoulders

tartans and sporrans

claiming something loudly

Sunday, August 11, 2013

David's doppleganger

almost at the end of Monet's art trail


it really happened
sewing machine  80 pounds from  Argos
fabric from john lewis  oxford street London
and a nice way to spend a day
frocking up

at the Physic garden may '13

ok  people  get those paints going

Friday, August 09, 2013

a view from the oxford window, from the pent house with swimming pool ?

love the atmosphere, again from the princess penthouse

Friday, August 02, 2013


about 60 rollerskaters just went past
blasting music and good will

Thursday, August 01, 2013


there are many corners in the neighbourhood

two for discussion is the corner with the pub
and the corner with the glass recycle bin

on account of space, and the move to recycling there isn't enough
room on the pub corner for the bottle bin
the sound of cracking glass means the
employees  have wheeled the empties to the bottle bin
and thrown the empties in

somedays that noise happens frequently
other days, infrequently